Coleman American Moving Services, Inc. in Jacksonville, Florida

On our website you will find full information about Coleman American Moving Services, Inc. in Jacksonville at 1200 Ellis Road North

Based on 2 reviews

Moving companies in Jacksonville

Contacts of Coleman American Moving Services, Inc.

ZIP 32254

Locality Jacksonville

Address 1200 Ellis Road North

Phone +1 877-693-7060


Update information

The location map and directions to Coleman American Moving Services, Inc. in Jacksonville are based on the coordinates we have: latitude 30.3414900, longitude -81.7444610. If you are going to drive a car and use the navigator, you can add the coordinates [30.3414900,-81.7444610] to the navigator and you will get where you need to go!

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Reviews of Coleman American Moving Services, Inc.

I don't even know where to begin. Jeff Ryba was very professional when he came to my townhome to give me an estimate on my move. His bid was the highest I had received but I personally felt his company would handle my move from Florida to Colorado the best. OH MAN WAS I WRONG. I had not heard anything from the move coordinator as far as what time the movers would arrive so I called. It took me four call transfers to get Danielle to answer. I was told I would receive a call the night before the move day with the time. As inconvient as this was, not knowing until the evening before, I said ok and hung up. The movers arrived the next morning (March 10th) as I was told but enter the first issue. Two people came despite this being a three person move. So, needless to say, the quoted 2-3 hour load time actually took 6 hours. Putting my husband behind on his drive across country. We were told our items would arrive between the 16th and the 20th... having not received any update on my items I called on the 18th. The lady who answered at the Jacksonville office was no help as far as a update. She did however give me the drivers number. So I called him and to my surprise he informed me he had JUST picked up my items in Tampa! I don't know why my stuff was in Tampa or why it had been in a warehouse in the first place. Let alone as to why the driver was just now getting my items picked up. With this new information, I called the office again and I was told my move coordinator was off and to call back Monday... the day my stuff should have been delivered. Monday came and I called two attempts finally got in contact with her and was told she would call me back shortly with an update. Hours passed and attempts where made to call her again... radio silence. I was so upset at this point I asked for a manager. Jose is who finally got me some answers. By the end of the day the driver called and said I would be receiving my items the next morning , the 21st. I know it is only one day but I had to stay on top of them ALL day to get any answers and started to ask for corporate numbers. When my stuff finally arrived, the driver told my husband that the other shipment he was carrying was over a week late! But, because I was so adamant and fed up with them that he was ordered to deliver my items first. I arrived the following weekend in Colorado with my son. I was not happy to find my new front load washer has a huge dent in the top and two mirrors have been shattered. I have filed a claim but not received any contact from Allied. So would I recommend these people? HELL NO! Thank goodness I am so intolerable and obnoxious or my stuff would more then likely still be missing...
November 18, 2021 9:09 AM, Mr. Sydney O'Hara
Do NOT use. Ever. Coleman Allied Jacksonville did not deliver & cannot find an entire crate full of our items worth at least $1100 that includes our children's favorite toys, family mementos, and 6', 8', & 24' ladders, which would have been hard to "lose." We were told by Jeff Ryba, our moving coordinator, that the warehouse manager could not find our missing crate or items and that we should begin the claims process. The claims department offered us $84 in compensation. Extremely disappointed with the service we've received as well as the lack of communication and helpfulness with our "missing" items. Jeff Ryba is impossible to personally reach on any of his provided telephone numbers and his eventual responses come sporadically and always via email. The warehouse is not helpful and repeatedly left us on hold for 30-45 minutes, never returning to the phone. The movers themselves were 3 hours late reaching our old home to pick up our items and they did not call beforehand to say that they would be late. A television box we paid $100 for was not present on moving day, but we were assured, by Jeff Ryba, that the warehouse would safely box our television upon receiving it; the warehouse cut open an old refrigerator box and wrapped it around our 70" television with tape instead. It took well over a month and a lot of work on our part to get that $100 box refunded. The movers also lost all of the hardware for our beds and dresser mirrors so we were left to sleep on the floor in our new home and had to spend time searching various hardware stores for the hard-to-find bolts required to put our children's beds together. In addition, the movers ran out of "Household Goods Descriptive Inventory" sheets, so they did not inventory all of our items at pick-up that Jeff Ryba had previously inventoried at walk-thru...many of the non-inventoried items are now gone. Communication is virtually non-existent with Coleman-Allied. Customers left frustrated, disappointed, & without many of the items we paid to have delivered. Children left heartbroken. Coleman Allied is an expensive mistake.
January 25, 2022 2:35 AM, Emmet Walker

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All reviews about Coleman American Moving Services, Inc. in Jacksonville have been added by our users. We are not responsible for their content and cannot be held responsible for their relevance and objectivity. But we hope that the reviews about Coleman American Moving Services, Inc. will be useful for you! At the moment, 2 reviews have been left about Coleman American Moving Services, Inc. in Jacksonville and the average rating on reviews is 1.0 out of 5

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Information about Coleman American Moving Services, Inc.

Added at September 21, 2022
12:49 AM
Updated at September 21, 2022
12:49 AM
Users rating 1 5
Count reviews 2
Reviews mark
★ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒
Latitude 30.3414900
Longitude -81.7444610

1 The Coleman American Moving Services, Inc. user rating is our internal metric, calculated from a large number of parameters! This metric does not reflect our attitude to Coleman American Moving Services, Inc. in Jacksonville and is just a mathematical expression of a certain formula!

More information about Coleman American Moving Services, Inc. in Jacksonville

Coleman American Moving Services, Inc. company is located in Jacksonville, at the address: 32254, 1200 Ellis Road North.

You can always call Coleman American Moving Services, Inc. and specify the opening hours, the exact address, as well as find out any information by calling +1 877-693-7060.

If it is easier for you to find out more about Coleman American Moving Services, Inc. on the Internet then we recommend that you visit the site

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